Rada vlády pro záležitosti romské menšiny
The Council for Roma Community Affairs
The Council of the Government of the Czech Republic for Roma Community Affairs was established through the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 17 September 1997 No. 581, then as the Interdepartmental Commission for Roma Community Affairs. In 2001 this commission was renamed to the Council. The Council is a permanent advisory and initiative body of the Government on issues related to Roma community. The Council assists on a systematic basis in the integration of the Roma community into society. It supports cooperation of ministries responsible for the implementation of partial measures and the fulfillment of tasks arising from Government Resolutions and international treaties to which the Czech Republic is a party. It collects, considers and submits to the Government information, groundwork documents and proposals for the creation and application of the Government policy in the area of integration of Roma communities. More detailed information on the composition and tasks of the Council is set forth in its Statute, its procedures are regulated by the Rules of Procedure. Activities of the Council (including activities of its committees and working groups) are supported by the Office, which is a structural unit of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.Key document is the Policy Concept of the Romany Integration.
Council of the Government of the Czech Republic for Roma Community Affairs
Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, Vladislavova 4,110 00 Prague 1;
Postal address: nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, 118 01 Prague 1;
Phone: +420 296 153 511
Fax: +420 224 946 615
E-mail: krp@vlada.cz