Advisory and Working Bodies
In support of its activities, the Government establishes advisory and working bodies (or PPOVs in the Czech acronym) made up of members of the Government and other experts. A PPOV may be established as a permanent or temporary body according to the character of the issue they are occupied with. MoreActivities of the Office of the Government
- National Security Council
- Government Legislative Council
- National Economic Council
- Committee for the EU
- Ethics Commission
- Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs
- Government Council for Human Rights
- Government Council for Gender Equality
- Government Council for National Minorities
- Non-Governmental Organisations
- Personnel Nominations
- Government Council for Addiction Policy Coordination
- Government Board for Persons with Disabilities
- Government Dislocation Committee
- The Council of Economic and Social Agreement
- Research, Development and Innovation
- Government Council for Information Society
- Government Committee for Strategic Investments
Advisory and working bodies not under the Office of the Government
- National Council on Mental Health (under the Ministry of Health)
- Standing Committee on New Nuclear Build (under the Ministry of Industry)
- The Government Council for the Energy and Raw Materials Strategy of the Czech Republic (under the Ministry of Industry and Trade)
- Government Council for Sustainable Development (under the Ministry of the Environment)
- Government Council for Seniors and Population Aging (under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
- Council of the Government of the Czech Republic for Road Traffic Safety (under the Ministry of Transport)
- The Czech Commission for UNESCO (under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- The Central Flood Commission (under the Ministry of the Environment)
- Quality Council of the Czech Republic (under the Ministry of Industry and Trade)
- Government Council for Safety and Health Protection at Work (under the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
- Central Crisis Staff
- Government Council for Public Administration (under the Ministry of the Interior)
- European Union Funds Council (under the Ministry of the Regional Developement)
- Government Council for the Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption (under the Ministry of Justice)
Government Commissioners
- Government Commissioner for Human Rights (under the Office of the Government)
- Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs (under the Office of the Government)
- National Security Adviser (under the Office of the Government)
- Government Commissioner for the Reconstruction of Ukraine (under the Office of the Government)
- National Coordinator for Adaptation and Integration of Refugees from Ukraine (under the Office of the Government)
- Government Commissioner for Resilience and Economic Modernisation (under the Office of the Government)
- Government Commissioner for Cooperation with the European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency (under the Office of the Government)
- Government Commissioner for Border Waters Cooperation (under the Ministry of the Environment)
- Government Commissioner for the Representation of the Czech Republic before the Court of Justice of the European Union (under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
- Government Commissioner for the representation of the Czech Republic before international human rights bodies (under the Ministry of Justice)
- Government Commissioner for International Negotiations on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (under the Ministry of the Environment)
- Government Commissioner for International Climate Negotiations (under the Ministry of the Environment)