Government Council for Addiction Policy Coordination
15. 6. 2023 11:09
Czech Drug Policy and Its Coordination – Evidence-based addiction policy
The Government Council for Addiction Policy Coordination ("Council"), is established by law in accordance with Section 28, Paragraph 3 of Act No. 65/2017 Coll. The Council is a permanent advisory, initiating and coordinating body of the Government of the Czech Republic. The Council deals with illegal drugs, substance and nonsubstance addictions through comprehensive and coordinated set of preventive, educational, therapeutic, social, regulatory, control and other measures, including law enforcement measures at the local, regional, national and international level.
The Czech Drug Policy is integrated, i.e. covering both, the legal and illegal substances, such as illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco or psychoactive medicines, and nonsubstance addictions, including gambling and gaming.
The work of the Council is based on the National Strategy to Prevent and Reduce the Harm Associated with Addictive Behaviour, its action plans and situation reports.
The Council was established in 1993 for the first time as National Drug Commission. Details about the historical background were summarized in the bulletin Focused on Drugs.
More information and publications in English language are available on the website