The Ethics Commission for Recognition of Participants in Anti-Communist Opposition and Resistance

About the Ethics Commission

The Ethics Commission for Recognition of Participants in Anti-Communist Opposition and Resistance (hereinafter only “Ethics Commission”) comprises of nine members. The Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, Senate of the Czech Parliament, Czech Government and the Council of the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes elect and recall two members each. One member is appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Republic. The Chair of the Ethics Commission is elected and recalled by the government from the members elected by the government.

The members of the Ethics Commission are elected for a five-year term. Nobody can be elected for more than two consecutive terms.

The current chairman of the Ethics Commission is doc. JUDr. Jan Kudrna, Ph.D.

The authority of the Ethics Commission is regulated by the provision § 7 of the Act No. 262/2011 Coll., on the Participants in Anti-Communist Opposition and Resistance.

Contacts Address

Office of the Government of the Czech Republic,
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4,
118 01, Praha 1 - Malá Strana


Phone: +420 224 002 031