Government of the Czech Republic

Úvod EN

The Legislative Council of the Czech Government (hereinafter the “GLC”) is an advisory body of the Government for the Government’s legislative work.

The Legislative Council has been established under § 28a of Act of the Czech National Council No. 2/1969 Sb. on the establishment of ministries and other central governmental authorities of the Czech Republic, of 8 January 1969, as amended (the “GLC Statute”).

The GLC has 30 members (including in particular external experts performing work for the GLC for symbolic compensation only) and its work is governed by the Rules of Procedure.

All the documents for the agenda of the Government Legislative Council are discussed with the sponsors of individual bills by the staff of the Government Legislative Department; the Compatibility Department provides in particular for work related to the legislative commitments ensuing to the Czech Republic from its membership of the European Union and operates the Information System for Approximation of Law - ISAP. The Government Legislative Department, in addition to its extensive responsibilities, drafts the Plan and Prognosis of the Government Legislative Work. Methodological management and support for the process of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) at the level of central administrative agencies are provided by the Division for the Coordination of the Process of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).

As of 1 April 2016, a total of 9 working commissions have been established within the GLC, pursuant to Art. 2 (e) and Art. 5 (2) of the amendment to the Statute of the Government Legislative Council:

Commission on Public Law I – Commission on Administrative Law No. 1,
Commission on Public Law I – Commission on Administrative Law No. 2,
Commission on Public Law I – Commission on Administrative Law No. 3,
Commission on Public Law II – Finance Law, 
Commission on Public Law III – Labour Law and Social Affairs,
Commission on Public Law IV – European Law,
Commission on Private Law,
Commission on Penal Law,
Commission on Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).

The GLC meets, as a rule, once every 14 days, unless stipulated otherwise.

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