Government of the Czech Republic

Working Committees of the National Security Council

Committee for the Foreign Security Policy Coordination (CFSPC)
internally coordinating the foreign security policy of the Czech Republic, managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Defence Planning Committee (DPC)
coordinating the planning of measures to ensure the defence of the Czech Republic, managed by the Ministry of Defence,

Internal Security Committee

The Internal Security Committee is a permanent working body of the State Security Council for the coordination and planning of measures to ensure the internal security of the Czech Republic and the protection of public order.

Civil Emergency Planning Committee (CEPC)
coordinating the planning of measures to ensure the protection of the internal security of the state, the population, and the economy, and to coordinate demand for civil resources necessary to ensure the security of the Czech Republic, managed by the Ministry of the Interior,

Intelligence Activity Committee (IAC)
coordinating the activities of the Czech Republic’s intelligence service and the planning of measures to ensure intelligence operations and the cooperation of state authorities, which obtain, collect, and evaluate the information required to ensure the security of the Czech Republic. The Committee does not carry out its own intelligence operations; it is managed by the Prime Minister and the President of the NSC.

Cyber Security Committee

The Committee for Cyber ​​Security is a permanent working body of the State Security Council for coordinating the planning of measures to ensure the cyber security of the Czech Republic.

Central Crisis Staff (CCS)
as a working body of the Government this staff is included by the Government in the NSC system to provide solutions to crisis situations or other serious situations concerning the security interests of the Czech Republic.
Depending on the nature of the situation, the Prime Minister and the Chairman of the NSC appoints the Chairman of the CCS:
the Minister of Defence, in cases where there is an external military threat to the Czech Republic, in the fulfilment of allied commitments abroad, and in cases where the Czech Republic’s armed forces take part in international operations to restore and keep peace,
the Minister of the Interior, in other cases of threat to the Czech Republic, in the provision of large-scale humanitarian aid to other countries, and in cases where the Czech Republic is involved in international rescue operations in the event of accidents and natural disasters.

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