Office of the Government

The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic is the central body of state administration. The Office fulfils tasks connected with the expert, organizational and technical provision of the activities of the Government of the Czech Republic and its bodies.  More…

The Straka Academy

Strakova akademie

Government of the Czech Republic
nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4,
118 01 Prague 1
Phone: +420 224 002 111


Open Days in the Villa of Hana and Edvard Beneš

Government Office plans to extend dates on which Hana and Edvard Beneš’s villa in Sezimovo Ústí is open to the public.

Dny otevřených dveří vily Hany a Edvarda Benešových v Sezimově Ústí

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