Government of the Czech Republic

European Policies Coordination Department

The European Policies Coordination Department is made up of the COREPER I unit, COREPER II unit, Institutional Communication Unit and the unit of the Secretariat of the Committee for the EU.


  • coordinates European policies within the scope of Coreper I, ie. in the areas of employment, social policy, health, consumer protection, competitiveness and the internal market, transport, telecommunications, energy, agriculture, fisheries, environment, education, youth, sport and culture;
  • ensures the exercise of responsibilities in the agenda of the EU's Integrated Maritime Policy.


  • coordinates European policies within the scope of Coreper II, ie. in the areas of: general affairs, economic and financial affairs (EU budget, taxes, investment, statistics, etc.), common foreign and security policy, justice and home affairs;
  • ensures the performance of activities related to macro-regional strategies, the Czech Republic's membership in the Strategy for the Danube Region and the coordination of Priority Area 2 - Support for Sustainable Energy. Ensures the co-responsibility of the Office of the Government in the area of the multiannual financial framework;
  • ensures, in close cooperation with other organizational units of the Section for European Affairs, the preparation of mandates for the appearance of representatives of the Czech Republic at the European Council and the General Affairs Council.

The Sector Policy Unit:

  • takes part in the formulation, coordination and carrying out of Czech Republic policy in relations with the EU, respectively in the creation of EU policy and strategy with a view to national interests (more information on the "Europe 2020: Strategy for Intelligent, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth" can be found in the "Europe 2020 Strategy" section). It provides these activities both directly and in coordination with other central bodies;
  • coordinates the execution of rights and commitments stemming from Czech Republic membership in the EU, both domestically and to EU bodies and institutions;
  • within the scope of its activity it coordinates, respectively jointly takes part in the preparation of mandates, instructions and positions at meetings of EU bodies, especially the corresponding formations of the Council of the EU, the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER), the working groups of the Council of the EU and committees and other working bodies of the European Commission and other EU institutions and agencies;
  • prepares positions on materials presented to the government, the Committee for the EU, the State Security Council, on materials in the framework of the inter-ministerial amendment procedure and other supporting materials and expert questions.

The Secretariat Committee for the EU Unit: Committee for the EU:

  • Creates the groundwork for the activity of the Committee for the EU, ensures the activity of the Committee for the EU secretariat and preparation for meetings of the Committee for the EU both on a governmental and on a working level, including proposed agendas, preparation of supporting materials and the preparation of meeting minutes. At the same time, it takes part in the preparation of plans for the Committee for the EU's activities. Part of its activities include the coordinating the fulfilment of the Committee for the EU's conclusions.
  • The executive secretariat of the Committee for the EU monitors the activity of the Ministerial Coordinating Groups and the fulfilment of tasks relating to the functioning of the Czech Republic in the EU, and it fulfils other tasks given to it by the Committee for the EU.
  • In cooperation with the Sector Policy Department, it sets mandates for the Czech delegation's negotiations at European Council meetings.

    Contact for the European Policies Coordination Department secretariat:; tel.: 224 002 243


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