Government of the Czech Republic

The EU Applied Policies Department

The EU Applied Policies Department

The director of the department is Mgr. Ing. Markéta Krčmářová.

The EU Applied Policies Department coordinates the Czech Republic's positions in the area of ​​cohesion policy in cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development as the manager for this area. At the same time, it monitors selected programmes under the direct management of the European Commission and their complementarity with the ESIF. In cooperation with the manager (Ministry for Regional Development), it coordinates the Czech Republic's positions in the area of ​​cohesion policy. It represents the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic / the Section for European Affairs at working platforms and working bodies dealing with European programmes and funds (eg Council for EU Funds, Monitoring Committees of Operational Programmes, working groups, relevant platforms of the Ministry of Regional Development, Ministry of Finance, etc. .), in order to create an overview of current trends and topics discussed in the field. The Department also acts as the National Contact Point of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values ​​(CERV) programme, directly managed by the European Commission , through which the Czech Republic helps the citizens to actively participate in international projects aimed at promoting active European citizenship. The aim of the CERV programme is to protect and promote the rights and values ​​of the Union as enshrined in the EU Treaties and in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The Department is also the recipient of support from the Technical Assistance Tools (TSI) project. This project of the European Commission's aims to ensure overall coordination and involvement of ministries (especially the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Trade) for the practical application of the "Do No Significant Harm" (DNSH) principle.

The EU Applied Policies Department is also responsible for the creation, coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic and its external communication. It is responsible for the European Semester agendas and economic policies. It prepares expert opinions, instructions and framework positions, which are also used by ministries and other central administrative authorities for negotiations within the EU institutions and bodies. The Department is also responsible for the Recovery and Resilience Instrument, which is implemented in the Czech Republic through the National Recovery Plan under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. At the same time, the Department acts as the national coordinating authority of the European Commission's Technical Support Instrument. In cooperation with the European Policies Coordination Department of the Government Office, it participates in the formulation, coordination and implementation of the Czech Republic's economic and financial policies, preparation of mandates, instructions and positions related to the European Council and the General Affairs Council in the field of economic and financial policy. The Department monitors and coordinates initiatives and proposals concerning the economic and monetary union, the banking union and the eurozone, and initiatives and proposals concerning the European Pillar of Social Rights. As part of this activity, it prepares expert opinions, instructions and framework positions. At the same time, on behalf of the Office of the Government, it acts as a contact point (so-called focal point) for the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda and also the editor of the Office of the Government's inputs to the national Database of Strategies.


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