Department for European Legal and Institutional Support
The Head of the Department is Mr Štěpán Pech.
The Department for European Institutional and Legal Support is responsible for the coordination of institutional agenda and institutional communication as well as for legal analyses of certain European topics. Moreover, the Department conducts an analytical monitoring of selected EU economic affairs and elaborates on the economic effects of particular EU policies. In addition to that, the Department defines national positions towards various aspects of proceedings connected to UK withdrawal from the EU. Last but not least, the Department supervises the implementation of the Action Plan to Promote Czech citizens in the EU institutions.
The Department for European Institutional and Legal Support is in charge of arranging expert opinions and both legal and economic analyses for the Prime Minister and the Minister for European Affairs. Furthermore, it oversees specific legal documents and legislative acts of high importance affecting the EU acquis. Within the Section for European Affairs, the Department is responsible for drafting documents related to infringement procedures and provides information about ongoing and possible upcoming procedures as well. Furthermore, the Department conducts an analytical monitoring of selected EU economic affairs and elaborates on the economic effects of particular EU policies. Consequently, the Department runs the Database of various economic, social, and other indicators concerning EU policies. Besides that, it represents the Office of the Government when dealing with the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR). Additionally, it defines national positions towards various aspects of proceedings connected to UK withdrawal from the EU and associated end of the transition period. In connection with that, the Department manages the website
The Department is also responsible for cooperation with the European Parliament (EP), the monitoring of its weekly agenda, providing analysis and opinions in this field and organizing meetings with EP representatives, including Czech MEPs. It is focused on EU institutional reform and prepares informational documents and briefings for use by both the civil service and the general public. It is also in charge of communication with the Committees in charge of European affairs of both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Czech Parliament. Furthermore, it is the Czech national contact point for requests regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents under Regulation 1049/2001 and deals with related issues of EU legislative transparency. Another important task of the Department is the monitoring and implementation of the Strategy for Support of Czech Citizen Employment in EU Institutions. It deals with sending seconded national experts to EU institutions, cooperating with Czechs already working in the EU institutions, and intensively supports their further career perspectives.