Government of the Czech Republic

The Czech government prepares the 2019 National Reform Programme in cooperation with social and economic partners

The First roundtable of the preparation of the National reform program 2019
The First roundtable of the preparation of the National reform program 2019

The first of three round tables on the drafting of the National Reform Programme 2019 took place on 19 March in the premises of the Office of the Government. The Office of the Government traditionally organizes each year a series of conferences where stakeholders can discuss and comment on the provisional draft of the NPR document. The NPR document is a cornerstone of the coordination of economic policy in the EU (the so called European Semester) and reflects the analysis of the Country Report Czech Republic 2019 (Country Report).

The thematic round tables are attended by representatives from the national civil service, trade unions, business and economic interest groups as much as delegates from communal and regional entities, the European Commission and other institutions. Discussions revolve around the state and efficiency of specific reform measures for the upcoming months.  The first round table was focused on the state of the Czech economy, fiscal policy and on the equally important topic - housing.

Around fifty delegates attended the first meeting, including the chairmen of the foremost Czech trade unions:  Josef Středula of the largest Czech trade union ČMKOS or Bohumír Dufek from the Association of Independent Unions (ASO). Ladislav Minčič the director of the legislative, analytical and legal unit of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Vladimír Štípek from the Confederation of Industry were representing the interests of the business community. Social and economic partners have agreed on the positive state of the Czech economy and expected economic growth. Representatives from the European Commission praised along with the present social and economic partners the inclusiveness of the NPR drafting process and the positive approach that the Czech civil service demonstrates during its preparation.  

The remaining two round tables will focus on the labour market, education, business environment and other topics. The meetings will again take place at the premises of the Office of the Government in the Hrzánský Palace on the 20 and 21 March.

The Country Report Czech Republic 2019, which the European Commission published as part of the European Semester process, is an important source of information used in the drafting of the NPR document. The European Commission describes the current economic social and economic developments in the country and identifies issues and gaps on which the government should focus. The measures proposed to tackle the identified shortcomings are later specified in the in the NPR itself.

The government will discuss the National Reform Programme 2019 towards the end of April.

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