The 2019 National Reform Program was approved by the government
On 29 April 2019 the Czech government approved the National Reform Program. The document presents an overview of the measures adopted to foster long-term economic growth and ensure stable employment. The National Reform Program is periodically updated every year as part of the European Semester and provided to the European Commission. The Commission assesses the condition and effectiveness of the Czech economic policy and as a result presents a proposal of a new set of Country Specific Recommendations in the beginning of June.
This year the European Semester process is strongly focused on investment policy. This is fully in line with the Czech government’s own program, which stresses the importance of investments and devises a concrete investment strategy. The 2019 National Reform Program (NRP) includes therefore an extensive chapter on the government’s investment priorities and ambitions. For instance the document explains how the government is intending to implement the Innovation Strategy of the Czech Republic for 2019-2030. The document also enumerates other measures that are meant to boost economic growth through by investing in innovation and digitalization.
Within the framework of the European Semester important inputs for preparation of the NRP are the core analytical documents published every year by the European Commission: the Annual Growth Survey and the particular the Czech Republic Country Report.
The Czech NRP process is very inclusive in nature as it engages non-governmental stakeholders such as social and economic partners, representatives of the Czech Parliament, delegates from regional and municipal authorities as much as other actors.