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Government Council for Information Society
The Government Council for Information Society is an expert advisory body of the government in the field of the information society which is to carry out the coordination role instead of the dissolved Ministry of Informatics and to provide the government with a knowledge basis as an aid for its decisions in the strategy issues of the area of information society development so that the coordination of departmental and nation-wide projects would be improved.
The Government Council for Information Society was established pursuant to the Government Resolution No. 293 of June 2007. Pursuant to the Government Resolution No. 373 of 24 May 201, the composition of the Council was changed and the statute of the council was amended.
The Government Council is managed by the steering committee headed by the Prime Minister; the other members of the Council are the Minister of Interior, Minister of Finance, Minister of Industry and Trade, Minister of Education Youth and Sports and the Minister and the Chairperson of the Government Legislative Council. Other members of the Council (The Council has altogether 29 members), appointed upon the above-mentioned Government Resolution No. 373, are representatives of the most important institutions of the state administration and local governments who are involved in the area of the information society and implementation of the e-Government.