Government of the Czech Republic

Government Commissioner for Human Rights

(under the Office of the Government)

With effect from 11 May 2022, the new Government Commissioner is Mgr. Klára Šimáčková Laurenčíková.

The Government Commissioner for Human Rights is Vice-Chair of the Government Council for Human Rights, the Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs, the Government Council for National Minorities, the Government Council for NGOs, the Government Committee for Persons with Disabilities and the Government Council for Gender Equality.

Government Commissioner:

  • develops concepts for the long-term development of human rights protection; the rights of national minorities, the integration of the Roma minority, gender equality, the status of persons with disabilities and the status of non-governmental non-profit organisations;
  • prepares proposals and initiatives to improve the human rights situation, to improve the position of national minorities, including measures for the integration of the Roma minority, to improve the lives of citizens with disabilities, proposals and measures to achieve gender equality, and proposals concerning the position of non-governmental non-profit organisations in society;
  • prepares reports on the fulfilment of obligations arising from international human rights treaties, which the Czech Republic submits to individual treaty monitoring mechanisms at the level of the UN and the Council of Europe and within the EU;
  • considers materials of a legislative and non-legislative nature relating to the above-mentioned agendas in the inter-ministerial comment procedure;
  • cooperates with public authorities (state administration and self-government), non-governmental non-profit organisations and experts.

The Commissioner is responsible for the following agendas:

Important information