Premier Sobotka to Attend Two International Security Summits in New York
Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka will attend two international summits held in New York on 28 and 29 September 2015. The events are dedicated to fight against the Islamic State and to UN peacekeeping operations. During his working stay to New York, the Czech premier will visit the 9/11 Memorial to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack of 11 September 2001.
At the invitation of U.S. President Barack Obama, Sobotka will attend a summit held on Tuesday 29 September 2015, where the topic will be fight against the Islamic State and violent extremism. Hosted by the American president, the summit will be the first meeting of the international coalition of countries fighting the Islamic State at the highest level. The objective of the summit is to recapitulate past achievements and current challenges in the fight against Islamic State jihadists, the influx of foreign fighters who join the organization, and the causes of violent extremism and terrorist ideologies. Moreover, the summit aims to confirm the resolve to continue the fight using both military and civilian means.
"Both summits are linked by an effort to mobilize the international community with the aim of suppressing current security threats, whether they concern the fight against Islamic State fighters or more effective ways of deploying UN peacekeeping forces around the world. As shown on the example of Syria and Libya, even seemingly distant conflicts can have a direct impact on Europe, including the Czech Republic, for instance, in the form of uncontrolled migration. One of the preconditions for finding a solution to the current migration crisis is winning the fight against the Islamic State. Because of that, we are and will continue to maintain an active approach in this area," said Sobotka.
In describing the Czech Republic's involvement in the fight against the Islamic State, the prime minister explained, "The Czech Republic has joined the international effort to fight the Islamic State and to assist Iraq with numerous activities, including donation of ammunition, provision of humanitarian aid, involvement in actions aimed at stabilizing Iraq, and sale of L-159 aircraft to Iraq. Defeating the Islamic State and stabilizing the situation in the Middle East are the most effective way of successfully resolving the migration currently faced by Europe. The Czech Republic is prepared to continue to assist its allies in this effort."
On Monday 28 September 2015, Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubomír Zaorálek will attend a peacekeeping summit organized jointly by President Obama and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon for countries that take active part in deployment of their forces on UN peacekeeping missions.
Sobotka's Cabinet has decided that Czech personnel will gradually rejoin UN peacekeeping operations following an almost complete absence that has lasted number of years. The government's decision reflects the Czech Republic's resolve to be a responsible member of the international community and to take part in ensuring international security and stability.
UN peacekeeping operations are currently undergoing a reform intended to improve their organization in the future. To contribute to improving the effectiveness of UN operations, the Czech Republic is prepared to offer extensive experience gained during NATO and EU missions, including the Czech forces' successful presence and good repute earned in the Balkans during the 1990s. The assistance will have no effect on the Czech Republic's NATO-related obligations.
The Czech Republic is a responsible member of the international community prepared to take part in the stabilization of countries affected by military conflicts. The Czech Republic's primary interest is to improve the security situation in regions adjacent to Europe, specifically the Middle East and North Africa.
The working visit to New York will be the second trip of Prime Minister Sobotka to the United States. During the first visit, Sobotka was received by Vice President Joe Biden at the White House. He also met Madeleine Albright and Czech expatriates and attended a ceremony during which a bust of Václav Havel was unveiled in the Congress.
Program of Working Visit of Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka to New York
Monday, 28 September 2015
2:30 p.m. – Arrival of the Premier Sobotka to the UN building
2:45 p.m. – Family photo
3:00 p.m. – Beginning of the UN Peacekeeping Summit
Subsequently – Speech delivered by Czech prime minister
6:00 p.m. – Prime minister's comments for the media /Rose Garden, UN Complex/
Venue: UN Trusteeship Council, 1 United Nations Plaza
6:50 p.m. – Photo time for the prime minister's visit to the Bohemian National Hall
Subsequently – Prime minister's comments for the media
Venue: Bohemian National Hall, 321 E 73rd Street
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
8:45 a.m. – Photo time on the occasion of paying tribute to victims of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 at the 9/11 Memorial
Subsequently – Prime minister's comments for the media
Venue: 9/11 Memorial, Ground Zero
10:30 a.m. – Prime minister's attendance at the summit against the Islamic State and violent extremism
2:00 p.m. – Prime minister's comments for the media /Rose Garden, UN Complex/
Venue: OSN, 1 United Nations Plaza
Note: All times are local
Media Contact
Alena Kovářová, Communication Department, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, T: +420 602 429 621