Press Advisories

3. 4. 2012 19:07

The Czech Republic and Germany address energy issues

On Tuesday, Prime Minister Petr Nečas received the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel. They mainly discussed problems facing the European Union, the situation in the eurozone and energy issues.

During today’s meeting, the Czech Prime Minister, Petr Nečas, confirmed that the Czech Republic will not block the transmission of unsolicited cross-border flows of electricity from Germany, in particular from renewable sources. However the German side is already working on a solution, “We have made significant progress in speeding up the construction of new power distribution networks,” said Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel at a joint press conference. “There is a clear desire by both sides to address this issue,” added Prime Minister Petr Nečas.Prime Minister Petr Nečas received the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Angela Merkel, 3rd April 2012

My Government’s policy is not to construct isolated transformers and to separate off our energy networks,” declared the Czech Prime Minister. Despite the problems arising from output overflows to neighbouring networks from renewable energy sources, particularly those based in northern German, which pose a problem for the Czech Republic as they potentially threaten the stability of the Czech network, the Czech Prime Minister has decided to reinforce the Czech energy infrastructure. “Our policy is to strengthen the Czech power distribution network, involving a relatively significant investment over the coming years,” said Prime Minister Nečas. “The way forward is not to separate our systems, but instead to connect them,” he added.

According to Angela Merkel, the Germans are well aware of the importance of building cross-border networks. “We are very pleased that the Czech Republic does not want to separate, and is working towards an integrated electricity market,” said the Federal Chancellor.

Angela Merkel explained that Germany is trying to accelerate the implementation of an overall solution through the construction and modernisation of its power network. “We have passed a law that allows us to skip certain stages, which will speed up the approval process. We have also made significant progress in obtaining approvals, particularly for the north German network,” she told the press conference. She also mentioned their dependence on private investors.

The Czech Republic and Germany have undertaken to tolerate the other’s approach to nuclear power

We fully respect the German decision to withdraw from the operation of nuclear power plants and we are pleased that they respect the Czech decision to continue to operate nuclear power plants,” said Czech Prime Minister Petr Nečas after their private meeting. According to him, transparency is extremely important in this area, as is the need to provide the German side with information on the issue.

The Prime Minister also laid particular emphasis on the safety aspect. “It is in our interest to proceed with maximum transparency. We are concerned with the safety of all our citizens and we also want to convince our neighbours that we care for their interests and safety,” insisted the Prime Minister. “The Prime Minister has persuaded me of his openness,” added the head of the Federal Government.

We are interested in holding an open and neighbourly dialogue,” explained Prime Minister Petr Nečas. “We do not want to hide any issues from our neighbours and this also means that we are prepared to share any information they need and are also prepared to hold a public debate on the matter,” he added.

Balanced budgets are a priority for both countries

Both countries are among those leading the way towards budgetary responsibility, which means a consolidated strategy to achieve a balanced budget,” added Petr Nečas. According to the Czech Prime Minister, both countries lay particular emphasis on strengthening the competitiveness of their national economies as a long-term solution to the current budgetary problems. He also emphasised the importance of completing the internal market.

At Tuesday’s meeting, the Federal Chancellor reiterated the fact that Germany will not put pressure on the Czech Republic to sign the fiscal pact. She apparently considers it more important that the Czech Republic leans towards the same principles and has decided on a course of budgetary responsibility. “It is extremely important that the Czech Republic shares with us the principles underlying the European economic policies,” said Angela Merkel, who arrived in the Czech Republic at the invitation of Petr Nečas.

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