Due to the spread of the coronavirus the government has declared a state of emergency and on 12 March 2020 further tightened preventive measures
At an extraordinary meeting on Thursday 12 March 2020, the government of Andrej Babiš decided to declare a state of emergency in the Czech Republic in connection with the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus. At the same time, it announced further stricter preventive measures to limit the spread of the disease. It has for example banned travel to the most high-risk countries and has banned foreigners from those countries from entering the country. It has also radically reduced the conditions for gatherings of larger groups of people.
Pursuant to Articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution Act No 110/1998, on the Security of the Czech Republic, the Government has declared a state of emergency for the Czech Republic due to health threats related to the occurrence of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus, as of 12 March 2020 from 14:00 for 30 days.
In the event of the declaration of a state of emergency under the Crisis Act No 240/2000, certain rights and freedoms are limited for the time and to the extent deemed necessary. For more information, see the Ministry of the Interior press release at https://www.mvcr.cz/clanek/zpravodajstvi-nouzovy-stav.aspx.
Following the declaration of the state of emergency, the government has also announced other specific measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. With effect from 13 March 2020, at 06:00, it has banned, until further notice, all public and private cultural, sporting, social, religious, educational and other events involving more than 30 persons at any one time. The ban also applies to markets, fun fairs, festivals and food and drink tastings.
As of the same date, the government has also banned catering services in shopping centres with a retail sales area exceeding 5,000 m2. From 20:00 on that day, a ban on public access to food service establishments/restaurants comes into force. It will apply every day from 20:00 until 06:00 the next day.
From Friday, 13 March at 6:00, the public is also banned from access to gyms, swimming pools, wellness services and saunas, and also to public libraries and galleries.
Strict measures are also being introduced by the government at our national borders. With effect from 14 March 2020, it has banned entry into the territory of the Czech Republic for all foreigners coming from high-risk areas, with the exception of foreigners with temporary residence over 90 days or residing permanently in the Czech Republic unless the entry of such foreigners is in the interests of the Czech Republic. At the same time, it has stopped receiving all visa applications and has suspended the processing of applications already received.
At the same time, it has banned Czech citizens and foreigners with permanent or temporary residence from entering high-risk countries. “The following are the high-risk areas; we have defined thirteen at the moment. In addition to China, South Korea and Iran, these are European Union countries, namely Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, which is no longer in the European Union, Denmark and France,” Prime Minister Andrej Babiš clarified. Exceptions will be ruled on by the Minister of the Interior, for example for truck drivers, pilots, locomotive drivers, members of the Integrated Rescue System and cross-border workers.
At the same time, the government has provided for the temporary reintroduction of border controls with Germany and Austria. Crossing the border will be possible only at designated border crossings and at the airports at Prague-Ruzyně and Prague-Kbely.
A cross-border travel ban has also been issued for carriers operating international road passenger transport for vehicles with a capacity of more than 9 persons and for carriers operating international rail transport. Water/river passenger services will not be allowed to transport passengers across the borders of the Czech Republic. The ban does not apply to Czech citizens and foreigners living in the Czech Republic who are returning from abroad ,nor to foreigners who are leaving the Czech Republic. Empty buses, trains and ships will also be able to return to the Czech Republic.
The government has also amended the existing ban on school attendance. In addition to elementary, secondary and universities, the ban on attendance at educational establishments will apply from Friday 13 March to basic art education in art schools and language education, in language schools organized under the State Social Support Act, daily language courses, and also hobby groups, school competitions and shows.
An overview of all government emergency measures ordered can be found at /cz/media-centrum/aktualne/vyhlaseni-nouzoveho-stavu-180234/ and in the Collection of Laws https://aplikace.mvcr.cz/sbirka-zakonu/.
The government has also decided to recall Mgr. Eva Gottvaldová as Chief Hygienist of the Czech Republic. Until the appointment of the new Chief Hygienist, MUDr. Jarmila Rážová, Ph.D., currently director of the Regional Hygiene Station of the Central Bohemia Region has been appointed temporary Chief Hygienist.
The Ministers also charged the Ministry of Industry and Trade with the central purchase of disinfectants by awarding public contracts according to the requirements of individual ministries without a tender procedure. They have also approved the central purchase of lung ventilators, which will be in the charge of the Ministry of Health.
Useful information
- Hotline
Ministry of Transport
+420 225 131 820Ministry of Industry nad Trade
+420 224 854 444Ministry of Foreign Affairs
+420 224 183 100
+420 224 183 200Ministry of Interior (borders, security)
+420 739 608 533Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
+420 778 725 602 - Current information on Covid-19 caused by the Chinese coronavirus on the website of the Ministry of Health – information for citizens and healthcare workers, current data.
- Traveling During the State of Emergency
- The European coronavirus response team.