The database contains foreign-language nomenclature of Czech state administration, including especially the names institutions, their internal organisational structures, markings of employees' working rank, basic agendas of the ministries,etc. The terminology is available in Czech, English and French, and in light of the close contacts in certain areas of state administration, in German as well. The terminological database can be used in the Lotus Notes environment or through the internet; an installation of the Java software is required. The goal of the database is to unify all of the relatively heterogenous nomenclatures of Czech state administration; for example, there are several translations for the same function in various ministries into foreign languages, as well as several names in Czech. A database could solve this problem. The database is intended not only for employees of state administration taking part in the presidency, but also to translators and interpreters, and is at the same time made accessible to the public.
The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic published a terminological database for the needs of the Czech presidency of the Council of the EU.
The database is accessible from the website of the Government of the Czech Republic.
An internal team of translators from the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic are responsible for the correctness of the database's content and its continuous updating. Creating a terminological database represents an important step to achieving correctness, disambiguation, understandability and consistency in foreign-language communication, which makes up an indivisible part of individual presentations of the Czech Republic's state administration, both during and after the Czech presidency.
Language experts - translators, including native speakers familiar with Czech state administration, together with experts on the organisational structure of Czech state administration, individual ministries of the Czech Republic and, last but not least, programmers of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic - all took part in the project to create a unified foreign-language terminology for Czech state administration. In the initial phase, consultation on similar projects took place with previous presiding countries, such as Finland and Slovenia.
At present, the database contains approximately 1,100 terms from the aforementioned areas. The database offers sorting keywords according to area, alphabetical order in each language and according to the last editing date, which makes it possible to monitor the latest changes and newly-added terms. Full-text search is part of the database. There are also user tips which makes its use easier, as well as e-mail addresses where users can turn with questions and comments.
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