Government of the Czech Republic

Committee for the EU

The Committee for the European Union is a working body of the government for setting and coordinating the positions of the Czech Republic in the EU. The Committee for the European Union meets on the level of its members or on a working level.

On the level of its members, the Committee for the EU takes part in the formulation of strategic interests in relation with the Czech Republic's membership in the EU, in defining the Czech Republic's positions to fundamental issues being discussed in EU bodies and in meeting on additional issues of fundamental importance related to the Czech Republic's membership in the EU. The Committee for the EU approves the mandate for the European Council.

The Committee for the EU on a working level meets and approves instructions for the actions of the Permanent Representatives Committee (COREPER), mandates for the actions of ministers at the meetings of the EU Council of Ministers and other materials relating to the current EU agenda.

The prime minister of the Czech Republic chairs the Committee for the European Union. The chair of the Committee for the European Union on a working level is the head manager of the European Affairs Section. The activity of the Committee is governed by statutes and rules of procedure (see attached documents). The secretariat of the Committee for the European Union is organisationally integrated into the European Affairs Section.

Important information