Government of the Czech Republic

The Government approved the 2018 National Reform Programme

The cabinet approved on 20 November the Report on the Implementation of the National Reform Program 2018, including the implementation of the Country Specific Recommendations 2018 issued by the EU Council. The report presents an overview on the state of implementation of measures adopted to foster long-term economic growth and ensure stable employment.

The document describes the realization of steps taken in various domains of social and economic policy, which the government has set in its National Reform Program this year. National reform programmes are a fundamental component of the European Semester mechanism, an annual cycle of social and economic policy coordination of member states.

The Report was composed, just like in the previous years, by the Section for European Affairs of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic with the help of individual ministries and after several consultations with social and economic partners. The Report has been sent to the European Commission and will be used in the ongoing dialogue on social and economic reform which the Czech government maintains with the European Commission as part of the European Semester process.

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