
2. 2. 2009 14:14

PRESS ADVISORY: The Deputy Prime Minister A.Vondra participates in the European Parliament session in Strasbourg, 3-4 Jan 2009:

The Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Alexandr Vondra will join the Plenary Session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Feb 3-4. The programme of the session includes, among other topic, the discussion on the Guantanamo prison on Tuesday, as well as the situation in Kosovo and automotive industry crisis on Wednesday.

Together with Hans-Gert Pöttering, the President of the European Parliament, the Deputy Prime Minister will take part in the official lunch given at the opportunity of visit of Mr Mahmoud Abbas, President of the national Palestinian Authority on Wednesday.

Media Opportunity:
Press Conference of the Deputy Prime Minister will take place on Wednesday 4 Feb,, 11:30 - 12:00 in the press room of the European Parliament (Allée du Printemps, B.P. 1024).

Tiskové oddělení - Kabinet místopředsedy vlády pro evropské záležitosti
Press Section - Executive Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs

+420 224 002 657

Úřad vlády ČR/Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Nábřeží Edvarda Beneše 4, 118 01 Prague 1, Czech Republic

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