Petr Hladík
Minister for the Environment
Mr. Petr Hladík was born in the municipality of Osová Bítýška, Vysočina (Highlands) regions. He graduated from the Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno (Service Science, Management and Engineering as his field of study).
During his professional career, he worked in the field of project management, IT consulting and services, in particular in the fields of the security and quality management projects. He also has had work experience from Portugal, where he worked for six months in a company developing systems for public transport management.
In 2010, he joined the KDU-ČSL party after this party had lost the elections to the Chamber of Deputies with the ambition help the KDU-ČSL return to the Chamber of Deputies. He became actively involved in the municipal politics in a city district level. In 2012, he founded a new youth organisation of the KDU-ČSL – Mladí lidovci (the Young People's Party), which currently has almost 450 members. In 2014 he became a Brno city councillor. In 2015, he became deputy mayor of the Brno-North district. He resigned from this position in 2016 when he became the first deputy mayor of Brno. In 2018, he was voted for this position again and in 2019 he became the deputy chairman of the KDU-ČSL and chairman of the KDU-ČSL Expert Commission for the Environment.
He has been interested in and working on environmental issues for over ten years. He also has had experiences in the field of the agriculture. His ancestors were peasants and his brother has been still farming in the family land. Mr. Petr Hladík was also responsible for environmental issues in his position of the first deputy mayor of Brno. In Brno, he managed to introduce the system of subsidies for building “green roofs” and rainwater catchment, both for citizens and companies. During his work on the position, he also managed to adopt and implement the carbon neutral Brno action plan. As a result, the city started taking steps towards energy independence even before the onset of the energy crisis. In particular, this activity includes the installation of photovoltaic panels on hundreds of roofs, the construction of a state-of-the-art automated sorting line, the construction of a third boiler for the energy recovery of wastes and the introduction of systematic collection of bio-waste as well as a plan to build a biogas plant. Thanks to these and other projects promoting urban vegetation in the city, Brno has been awarded the E.ON Energy Globe prize and the Smart City title.
Together with former Environment Minister Anna Hubáčková, he worked on the programme of the SPOLU coalition for the environment and the government's programme statement in this field.
Personal Details
Mgr. Petr Hladík, born 28 September 1984