Press Advisories

19. 7. 2017 21:29

The Visegrad Group and Israel have discussed cooperation in the economy, migration, terrorism and the peace process

The prime ministers of the Visegrad Group countries, including Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, continued on Wednesday, 19 July 2017, in a summit meeting in Budapest with a joint negotiation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The main topics of the discussion included relations between the European Union and Israel and the fight against terrorism.

According to Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, the Czech Republic strongly supports the strengthening of relations between the European Union and Israel. In his opinion, the Association Council’s negotiations should be held as soon as possible. This cooperation is very important, especially in areas such as security, cyber-security and the fight against terrorism.

During the discussion of the issue of terrorism, the Prime Ministers of the V4 countries expressed their sadness and indignation over the number of victims that the attacks around the world have already created. In their fight against terrorism, they need to respond decisively and effectively. One of the most effective instruments of cooperation in the fight against terrorism is the exchange of information and cooperation between security forces.

The prime ministers of the V4 countries also discussed the possibilities of reviving the Middle East peace process. In their opinion, it will be important to see how US foreign policy in this area continues. In addition to the essential role of the United States, they also see great potential in the regional approach.

The European Union is an important business partner for Israel. Over the past five years, it has even been its most important business partner, with more than a third of its foreign trade. The V4 Prime Ministers and Prime Minister Netanyahu also talked about strengthening trade cooperation in other areas, such as energy, science, research and innovation.

The V4 and Israel Prime Ministers finally adopted a joint declaration, in which they declared their interest in further developing mutual cooperation, for example in the fields of science, research and culture, and promoting mutual trade and investment.

The Summit in Budapest was opened by a separate meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries. In particular, they focused on the issue of migration and the dual quality of food.

Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka will then meet Prime Minister Netanyahu to negotiate the strengthening of mutual cooperation between the Czech Republic and Israel.

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