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11. 4. 2018 20:28

Premier Babiš met with the new Slovakian Prime Minister Pellegrini

Premier Andrej Babiš met on Wednesday, 11 April 2018, with the Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini at his first official visit to the Czech Republic. The main themes of the discussion were cooperation in cross-border transport links, the dual quality of food products, security and defence, economic relations and also the European agenda. Apart from that, the premiers spoke about important anniversaries of this year.

“It is clear that this year, when we commemorate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia, 50th anniversary of Prague Spring and, of course, 25th anniversary of our independent states, we will meet very often. Already on 26 April I will visit Bratislava where we will jointly open an exhibition upon the occasion of the 100thanniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic," said Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš.

Premier Andrej Babiš confirmed with his Slovakian counterpart Peter Pellegrini their willingness to continue the tradition of joint sessions of the Czech and Slovak governments, which are the evidence of the exceptional Czech-Slovakian relations.

Apart from that, the premiers discussed the current European issues and cooperation within the Visegrad Group that, according to them, must be active in the process of European integration. They also spoke about the Slavkov Format in which they both want to focus on improving cross-border transport infrastructure and supporting industry. The prime ministers were of the same opinion on the next EU budget and on that it should be the Member States who will decide on the direction of the money from the European funds.

The last visit of the Slovakian prime minister in the Czech Republic took place in September last year, when the then Slovak Premier Robert Fico arrived in the Czech Republic to attend the joint meeting of the governments of both countries in Lednice, South Moravia. Premier Babiš visited Bratislava in early January this year.

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