Press Releases

3. 10. 200920:07

Press releaase of the prime minister of the Czech republic on the results of the Irish referendum

Prague, 3 October 2009 – Yesterday’s decision of the Irish people to agree to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty is very good news for citizens of all EU Member States.The official results of the Irish referendum remove the main obstacle standing in the way of the successful completion of the long institutional debate that began in 2001.
"This decision is also good news for the ambitions and goals of the EU. Thus, I believe that the ratification will be successfully completed as soon as possible also in the Czech Republic,” adds the Prime Minister Jan Fischer.
It is now essential to put an end to institutional discussions, so that the EU and its MemberStates can start to fully focus on dealing with the biting questions of the coming months and years.The Lisbon Treaty is a suitable compromise leading to a more efficient, flexible and democratic EU that will be to the benefit of its members and enable it to play a more pivotal role in the global world of the 21st century.
It is encouraging that the positive result of the referendum was assisted by the legal guarantees for the IrishRepublic negotiated under the leadership of the Czech Presidency at the European Council meeting in June.It is now of the utmost importance to proceed with  the remaining steps to complete ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in all EU Member States in while respecting their constitutional orders.
The CzechRepublic is aware of the responsibility it carries on its shoulders in this respect.The Constitutional Court is working intensively on dealing with this matter.The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Jan Fischer is convinced that the ratification process can be completed in a manner allowing  the Lisbon Treaty  to enter into force by the end of 2009 and the Czech Republic.