Press Conferences

23. 3. 200916:02

Press Conference after the Meeting of the Government, Held on Monday 23rd March 2009

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the press conference after the meeting of the government. I welcome here members of the government, the Prime Minister Mr. Mirek Topolánek, the Minister of Interior Mr. Ivan Langer and the Minister for Human Rights and National Minorities Mr. Michal Kocáb. I ask the Prime Minister for his introductory speech.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: As an introduction I will make an agreement with you, which you will respect because I will respect it. We will be holding three press conferences, in fact. The first one will be the press conference of the Chairman of the Government Committee for the EU and the Chairman of the European Council and the respective questions will follow. The second pres conference will be the press conference of the Prime Minister and his ministers on today's meeting of the government and the third press conference will be the press conference of the Chairman of the ODS (Civic Democratic Party) completed with certain statements and responses to the political situation. So, we made an agreement, which is good, and I am glad that you agree with it.

As to the European Council, I regard as important to assess the session of the EU Council as it was the first great summit. Not the first summit which we organized, because we held informal summits; nevertheless, the spring session of the EU Council is a key body of the entire EU and those decisions which were taken there were essential. They concerned the Czech Republic and they concerned world economic problems. In this respect I regard as necessary to highlight certain issues and the rest I will leave to your questions.

I think it is apparent that we succeeded in reaching a position in the course of the long negotiating process on different levels, ministerial, informal which influenced decisions of the EU Council, and we managed to push through even those issues that we had supposed to be very difficult to be pushed through. The course of those negotiations was in compliance with our priorities – economics, energy industry and external relations.

In the economic sphere there are efforts aimed at maintaining unity of the European Union, at maintaining the current degree of solidarity with those who are facing problems. We do not want to create blocks of countries, to support protectionism and to respect our own rules of the Pact of Growth and Stability as well as other laws and directives, and to prepare a balanced proposal for the G20 summit at which various solutions will be negotiated on different levels. Such a proposal should be a balanced proposal which would respect the protection of the bank sector and financial stimuli necessary for recovery of economy on the one hand, and on the other hand necessary regulations. The third important element, and very important one, is the liberalization of the world trade, pressure to the United States of America aimed at reopening of negotiations in Dohá in the framework of the WTO. Three new packages have been prepared in fact amounted to 5, 50 and 75 billion euro, plus that December package of 400 billion euro. That five-billion-euro package is for projects focused on enhancing the energy security.

I should say that the agreement was reached during Thursday night and till the last moment it was not sure whether we would be able to push that package through. Those reservations were quite logical; those countries protested which knew that they would pay for it as pure payers. Those countries protested which did not regard that measure as an anti-crisis one in the strict sense of the word; it meant immediate investments, investments in the nearest future or in the next year.

We succeeded in reaching a compromise and the Nabucco Project was mentioned among the other energy industry projects which were included in the agreement of all the 27 heads of countries and governments.

The second package of 50 billion euro was prepared because of necessity to bridge the situation which occurred in the course of finishing the legislative period connected with termination of activities of the European Parliament. This measure means the double increase of the guarantee framework of the European Commission for aid focused on countries with problematic balance of payments. There is no particular objective here. All the problematic countries are being given that aid at present. That package is to guarantee the aid outside the Eurozone in the framework of the European Union.

Further figure – that 75-billion-euro package is a very important impulse. It is a proposal for voluntary loan to the International Monetary Fund. It concerns the double of payment to that fund which will amount to 75 billion euro. Originally we considered the range 70-100 billion euro. Finally we came to the decision that it was certain challenge to other great players like United State of America, Japan and China which should also increase their contributions to the guarantee and credit fund of the IMF which was a guarantor of solutions for those countries which were confronted with problems.

I am of the opinion that also our approach and sessions of the NERV (National Economic Council of the Government) showed that we considered these instruments of that fund as a good mechanism as the fund does not provide financial means without clearly guaranteed measures on the side of the respective states.

As to the energy industry, that agreement is clear; another crisis mechanism will be prepared. Also that January gas crisis contributed to this. I do not know if you know it, but the Ukraine-EU treaty is to be signed. Participants of the ceremony will be Yulia Tymoshenko and Victor Yuscenko from the Ukraine side, the Commissioner Piegbals and the Head of the Ministerial Council Martin Říman. It is a supervisory conference and the treaty is to guarantee certain amount of money for cooperation and maintaining the entire transit gas line. There is also a clause that countries should seek resources which could be used in the future, including the nuclear energy.

As far as external relations are concerned, we managed to push through absolutely clear amount of 600 million euro for the Eastern Partnership Summit which we would organize and we got a mandate for the G20 summit in London. If you read those conclusions, you will have an opportunity to notice that three-side approach to the problems and proposals, which we intend to submit to other participants of the summit.

I informed the EU Council of the summit with the USA. We defined scopes that we wanted to negotiate with the American administration and which should be reflected during the informal summit of heads of states and the American president.

I would like to inform you of an interesting matter. Information was given by Brian Cowen on the progress of ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland. I gave information on the progress in the Czech Republic. I can state with pleasure that the EU Council reflected and respected the resolution of the Chamber of Deputies and agreed that the effect of the Lisbon Treaty could not be retroactive. I regard it as a success in this respect. I wanted you get this information as I did not have a feeling that it had been mentioned by media; nevertheless, in my view it was worth mentioning. That is all as to the first part of the press conference is concerned.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Prime Minister and now you may ask questions concerning the EU summit. If there are no questions, we can proceed to the agenda of the meeting of the government.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I can see that you are really interested in it; I did not expect anything else as I knew that this press conference would not be longer than usual. As to those issues which were debated at the meeting of the government, I brought with me Ivan Langer because great part of those issues concerned his ministry. Also Michael Kocáb is here with me who submitted to the government a material which concerned the situation in Janov as the situation did not leave us calm. I would recommend starting with those issues which were not submitted by these ministers. We approved the Bill on the Czech National Bank which was submitted by the Governor of the central bank. Ivan Langer will inform you on an absolutely key bill which was promised in the Programme Declaration of the Government and which completes the entire reform of the Police of the Czech Republic. It is the Bill on Security Corps General Inspection. He will also explain the Subject Plan of the Act on Public Servants and Education in Public Service which is being debated. We approved two draft government orders which concerned granting subsidies in the framework of common organization of the wine market. Ivan Langer will present the strategy Update of the Government Strategy for Fight against Corruption. Michael Kocáb will present the Situation Analysis of Socially Excluded Neighbourhoods and the Solution of Current Problems of Social Exclusion which was submitted by Ivan Langer. We also approved the increase of social mandatory expenditures of the budgetary heading of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs which result from current figures and concern unemployment and impacts of the recession on the Czech society. I think it is all and Michael Kocáb may continue.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: All right, I give the floor to the Minister for Human Rights and National Minorities who will start with a video presentation.

Michael Kocáb, Minister for Human Rights and National Minorities: Good afternoon, I would start in a similar way as it was at the meeting of the government and I will present you a short two or three-minute video recording.

Thank you. That was the situation in Plzeň. I would like to say one more marginal note. In spite of the fact that the situation in the Czech Republic is not still as bad as in certain European countries it must be alarming for the Czech government because if it does not find a system how to cope with that problem the spree of extremist groups might escalate in the future. These groups are now extending their scopes of activities against Romany population and Jews and also against sexual minorities. Such trends may continue in the future.

I presented the Analysis of Socially Excluded Neighbourhoods in the Town of Litvínov with particular Emphasis on Janov neighbourhood at the meeting of the government. It is a basis for a conceptual work of the Agency for Social Inclusion in Romany Localities. It analyses the current state of socially excluded localities in the town of Litvínov with a special emphasis on the Janov neighbourhood. It defines needs in the area of housing, employment, education and social services; it defines targets and proposes the relevant measure which should be taken. The analysis of the situation identifies as the principal obstacles of integration of inhabitants of Litvínov localities the increase of extremist and Neo-Nazi movements, and the existence of the organized crime in the locality. I mean usurious and drug gangs, prostitution, drugs, the white slave trade, and also moving new tenants to socially excluded locality in Janov, lack of instruments for solution of the situation, such as community planning of social services, inclusion strategy and network of high-quality social services. The core of the analysis submitted is the identification of the economic background of the Janov locality and threats of birth of similar localities in the future. In the conclusion I would like to say that the mechanism which initiated the situation was ill-conceived privatization of flats and so called administration laxity. The report is very comprehensive and I will not analyse it now.

Now I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Mr. Minister of Interior submitted more complex analysis which corresponded in its analytical parts with our approach. He will certainly be speaking about it. Based on his proposal I, as the Minister for Human Rights and Minorities, was assigned with a task to work out a strategy of the fight against social exclusion and establishment of a working group composed of representatives of the relevant ministries and organizations. I think it is all for the present and we can debate it later on, at the separate press conference.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank Mr. Minister Kocáb and I ask the Minister of Interior Mr. Ivan Langer for his information.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: Good afternoon. At today's meeting of the government two documents met. The first one was the local analysis of Litvínov-Janov and the second one very comprehensive analytical material, quite a unique material, which had been worked out based on the task which I was assigned in November of the last year. The task was to work out a basic material containing an analysis of causes of the increasing extremism, proposals for solution including identification of problematic areas connected in particular with the issue of social exclusion. We started to work on this material and decided to divide it into two parts.

The first part deals with the strategy of the fight against the extremism. This document will be submitted to the government by the end of April. The second material concerns just the identification of basic problem in the area of social exclusion. I regard this material as a key one because it presents an integral analysis of the major part of this problem. That what we saw here a minute ago, what was presented by Michael Kocáb, were just attendant events. When we want to fight against the extremism we must be able to identify, and quite openly identify, all the problems so as not to be influenced only those events which are just attendant effects. We must identify causes and the core of the problem so as to be able to find solutions, in particular in the sphere of the social exclusion. The material describes all the areas starting from housing, education of children, labour market and finishing the necessity of coordination on local and national level. Just because of the fact that this material is the first step in the framework of the integral approach, the government decided to assign Minister Kocáb with a task to prepare by the end of this year, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Regional Development and the Ministry of Education, a strategy of the fight against the social exclusion. Based on that strategy it should be clear who, what, when and how it will be done and how much it will cost. Then it will be submitted the second part and it will be the very strategy of the fight against extremism. That was information on this item.

If I may continue I will inform you on the other items of the Ministry of Interior on today's agenda. The government debated the Update of the Government Strategy for the Fight against Corruption. I would like to highlight several basic and essential theses in this respect. Everybody is able to imagine how he would do things better and successfully. I think it is always necessary to make a comparison of matters and to compare measures before the inauguration of this government with measures that are being taken two years later. I would like to emphasize that for the first time in our history a firm barrier has been made against the phenomenon, based on well-thought-out strategy. Its main slogans are prevention, transparency and recourse. The strategy is implemented in all these areas.

In the area of prevention I would like to mention the key project – it is the line 199 which is operated by an independent institution, by an institution independent on the government or ministries. It is the Transparency International. In the area of prevention I submitted today, among other things, the Subject Plan of the Act on Public Servants and Education in Public Service, in which the government accents the necessity of competition in the process of filling posts in the public administration.

In the area of transparency we have implemented extensive project of audits of the individual ministries and relevant internal measures. We cannot forget great achievements in the sphere of the e-Government which brought not only higher effectiveness of the public administration but also higher transparency and thus better opportunities how to control the public authority.

In the area of the third pillar – recourse – a new system of so called anti-corruption agent was introduced in the beginning of the year. Next week I will submit to the government a proposal which will concern legal responsibility of legal entities for corruption and the Minister for Regional Development is preparing the amendment to the respective law in which there is expected the introduction of the Black List for firms, as we call it. It will concern firms which participated in public tenders and then they were excluded because of plot, corruption and such like. If I am to summarize this point I can say with all responsibility that such a well-thought-out and conception progress and strategy has not been submitted by any of those post-November cabinets. The fact that I would like to see higher number of arrested by the Anti-Corruption Police is one thing; the other thing is that all those "famous" actions like "Clean Hands" finished ingloriously. If there is something here that should solve the problem, then it is the conception approach. That was information on the second item.

The third item, as the Prime Minister has mentioned, is a key matter which has a connection with the Programme Declaration of the Government. It is connected with the reform of the Police of the Czech Republic and concerns the independent control of security corps. Also in this sphere we showed the usual approach; I mean that matters should mesh together like cogwheels. The procedure was as follows: First we wanted to make a step towards higher independence of the Inspection of the Ministry of Interior through establishing the Police Inspection; nevertheless, the government, in its Programme declaration, inclined to the establishment of an independent control institution which would deal with detection and investigation of criminal activities of members of security corps.

The objective of this bill is to establish a free-standing institution, a free standing security corps which would deal with criminal prosecution of policemen, employees of the Police, members of the Customs Administration and Prison Service. The procedure is logical and we are proceeding exactly in accordance with the task. In June 2008 an extensive analysis of control mechanisms in security corps was made.

In July the new Act on the Police was approved and in December of the last year the Draft Bill on the General Inspection was submitted. Since the New Year a new Act on Police is in force, in which also the change was made – the transfer of the Inspection of the Ministry of Interior to the Police Inspection. The Director of the Police Inspection was appointed by the government and the government approved the Bill on Security Corps General Inspection today. It is an independent security corps which is quite independent on ministries, and it is independent in an economic point of view. Its head is a commander appointed by the government following the debate in the relevant committee of the parliament. For the first time such a principle of external control is implemented through a body established by the Chamber of Deputies. We can have a look at the current state. You can clearly see the ministerial scope of activities on the sphere of control and investigation of crimes with that change which is in force as of 1st January when the new Director of the Police Inspection was appointed by the government. Starting from 1 January 2010 we expect to implement this structure: the government – appointment of the Director of the General Inspection and within the competence of the General Inspection are the Police, the Customs Administration and the Prison Service.

Such a new organ needs certain costs. We tried to comprise everything what has existing up to now; I mean the inspection body of the Police of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Finance and Customs Administration. Nevertheless, initial costs amount to 78 million crowns. The planned number of employees of the General Inspection is about 280 workers and yearly costs will exceed the amount of 223 000 crowns. That is all on the General Inspection.

I am convinced that fulfilment of this point of the Programme Declaration of the Government is a clear signal that we followed the plan and that matters are implemented gradually. I am personally convinced that establishment of this independent body is a significant step towards detection of crimes of members of security corps in the Czech Republic. I believe that both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate will support this bill and the General Inspection will begin its activities as it was planned; I mean as of 1st January 2010.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Minister of Interior. That was information on the agenda of the meeting of the government. Do you have any question about it?

Czech TV: I have a question to Mr. Minister Langer. Could you specify how will posts be filled in the General Inspection? Is it possible to expect any change in case of transfer of employees from the current bodies and inspections?

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: This question has two different levels. The first one – all members of the existing inspection bodies will have new employment contracts with a new security corps. I am convinced that just because of this fact there will be higher probability that they will be able to better detect crimes. I can say with all the responsibility that the work of the Police Inspection was more dynamic in comparison with the Inspection of the Ministry of Interior and number of persons prosecuted corresponds to this fact. The past of those people cannot be forgotten, of course; nevertheless, just that cut-off from the former structure is a good prerequisite for good performance of the General Inspection.

Czech TV: There is certain criticism concerning extended competences of the General Inspection. What will be its control like?

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: I have read the Právo daily as well. Do not you read the Právo daily? What a pity. But in the seat of the Social Democratic Party read it so much that they even want to disengage its managing editor. Those competences correspond to the scope of activities of the General Inspection. So that we would be able to cover the entire sphere of possible crimes, competences must refer not only to members of security corps but also to employees. Competences correspond to this fact. Believe me, there is nothing harder than to be liberal in the shoes of the Minister of Interior. We are carefully considering any extension of competences of the repressive bodies of the state. Those competences correspond to our expectations. That control organ is established just because of ensuring self-reflection. This is a matter which absented here and I believe that the approach of deputies will be responsible. The inspection will have a territory defined by the law; nevertheless, our deputies will control the way how it will act in this territory.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, iDnes.

iDnes: I do not know whether I ask my question at the right press conference. Did the government debate the report of the BIS (Intelligence Service) on the background of the Savoy Hotel case? If it is so, could you say anything about it?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: It was not a report if the BIS; I pointed it out several times. It was a report in which the BIS, the Police, the Inspection of the Ministry of Interior and the Office for Foreign Relations and Information (Foreign Intelligence Service) were engaged. It means that it was a synoptic report. The government debated it today; it noted it and recommended declassification of this report in compliance with the law. It is within the authority of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior. As well as we did not influence the congress of the Social Democratic Party, It will be still our practice not to influence tomorrow's vote of confidence as I do not think that it is correct to use those documents. The request for declassification will be passed to the relevant bodies by the government.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, Mladá fronta Dnes.

MfD: I would like to ask a question, if it concerns the government meeting agenda. You are to meet the Deputy Prime Minister Bursík who would like to debate with you the state of the Czech justice. I would like to know whether you insist on your opinion that you do not want to disengage Mrs. Vesecká and what is your opinion concerning the second proposal of the Green party to consider withdrawal of Mr. Minister Pospíšil. Thank you.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I think I have the relevant basic concerning all those cases in my file. I do not doubt Renáta Vesecká to be competent to manage the Attorney's General Office. Great majority of those things are either myths or speculations or untruth, at least. In this respect the negotiation will be held only in case of absence of journalists. It is a matter of our party and the Green party. If there certain personnel changes occur or not, ask me on Wednesday. I think it is nonsensical to ask me on Monday.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you for your answer. Further question, please.

MfD: If I may ask a question concerning the inspection, I would like to know whether there are some candidates for the position of the General Inspector. If it is o, is the current Deputy Director, who is connected with that affair of military intelligence service, among them?

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: Thank you that you are so interested in it. And thank you that you exert pressure to us. We submitted a bill which would be debated at the Chamber of Deputies. The Chamber of Deputies will decide whether it will adopt the bill and whether the General Inspection will be established. A very important thing is that the General Inspector should be appointed the moment when the bill is adopted by the Senate and approved by the President. I expect it could be sometime in the end of summer of the next year.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: It is a right question – who will eat apples when the tree has not been planted yet?

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you.

Czech TV: Mr. Prime Minister I have a question concerning the information of the presidential election. Do you expect that the report could be published on Wednesday?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I can exclude that.

Czech TV: When do you expect it could be published?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I do not expect anything as from the side of the government it is just a proposal. A standard procedure must proceed, the Act no. 412/2005 Coll. ...

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: the Act no. 412/2005 Coll. on Protection of Restricted Information. In other words, the government proposed declassification. With regard to the fact that it is a material which was prepared by four institutions, each of them was working in the regime "restricted". It is up to the decision of each officer whether he/she support declassification or not. It is not possible to estimate it. I think that an important thing is what the Prime Minister has said. The document had the government at its disposal several days ago. It decided to postpone its decision with respect to two events which were held – the congress of the Social Democratic Party and the tomorrow's vote of confidence. The government did not want to attract criticism because of publishing essential information indicating manipulation of the presidential election.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, Hospodářské noviny.

Hospodářské noviny: Is it possible that based on that report some criminal prosecution of certain persons might continue? Will that information have a sequel?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: There is criminal prosecution concerning this matter.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: I will say it in a simple way. I said about one year ago that somebody would be imprisoned and I have been proved right. It was clear since the very beginning that somebody had had to act in a illegal way that somebody had breached the law and that this person should be punished. A former member of the Police of the Czech Republic and former member of the Office for Foreign Relations and Information were notified of the accusation. I do not know what the decision of the court will be like. I will respect its decision but it is still true that somebody should be imprisoned.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you. Reuters and then the TV Prima.

Reuters: I would like to ask whether the government got information about participants of the public tender concerning the CSA. I would like to know your assessment. Are you content with that interest? Thank you.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I do not have information on tenderees and I am not interested in it at the moment. It has not been finished. I will begin to be interested in it the moment when I, as a member of the government, will assess their technical, financial, security and other qualification for the participation in the second round of the tender. I do not know it and I should say I do not interfere in that standard tendering procedure.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, the TV Prima.

TV Prima: My question concerned the same issue; nevertheless, there is the Russian company Aeroflot among participants of the tender. I would like to know whether the government has any security assessment concerning the individual tenderees and whether you have any fears concerning security risks.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I think that we got standard information in the relevant regime on each applicant.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: The decision-making process has its qualification round during which all the security aspects of the individual applicants are considered and only then, after passing that filter, the tender itself follows in which the price is the only one criterion.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, Radiožurnál.

Radiožurnál: I know that the Minister of Agriculture is not present here; nevertheless I would like to ask about details concerning those draft government orders which concerned direct subsidies of the wine market and the support of rural development. What amount of financial means was approved today?

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: Ask Minister Gandalovič who is qualified enough to give you information on those subsidies. I apologize but I think it is fairer to say that one does not know a particular figure then to try to catch information in the air.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question please. I would like to ask who prepared that report on the presidential election which was debated today – that material composed of information of the BIS (Intelligence Service) and other institutions.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior:

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: It was like this.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Is there any further question concerning the agenda of the meeting of the government?

MfD: I would like to ask whether you mentioned the fact during the meeting of the government, that it could be the last meeting of the government with confidence.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: I should say we did not.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I am of the opinion that it is a standard situation which repeats. The result of the vote of confidence must not influence negatively function of the state and function of the government whether it will be with confidence of without confidence. The government might be without confidence but then it will be in the demission. The debate at the meeting of the government was quite standard. We have been experiencing this atmosphere since publishing election results in 2006. There were several hours when there were 101 red and orange votes. We cannot be surprised at anything.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you for your answer.

Ivan Langer, Minister of Interior: I would like to revert to this. I would suppose better lunch at the last meeting of the government.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: The TV Nova.

TV Nova: I have a question concerning Renáta Vesecká and that meeting with the Green Party. Will it be a meeting only of your party with them or a meeting of the entire coalition?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister: I admit that I was not here for some time. I suppose that it will be a meeting of the Green Party and the ODS. I do not know anything about its composition. You ask me a question which I am not able to answer.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Is there any further question concerning the agenda of the meeting of the government? There is not any, I thank the Minister for Human Right and National Minorities Mr. Michael Kocáb. Now the press conference of the ODS continues.