Press Conferences

11. 6. 200716:11

Press conference of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mirek Topolánek after the meeting of the government held on Monday, 11th June, 2007

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the press conference after the meeting of the government. I welcome members of the government, the Prime Minister, Mr. Mirek Topolánek, the Minister of the Government for Human Rights and National Minorities, Mrs. Džamila Stehlíková, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Miroslav Kalousek and the Minister of Health, Mr. Tomáš Julínek. The Prime Minister, Mr. Mirek Topolánek has the floor.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: Good afternoon. We debated number of very important issues today. Apart from standard ones, which concerned the European sphere, we debated the Report on Implementation of the Government Programme Objectives. It will be a point that will be debated regularly every month and it is based on the material that I mentioned last time. Džamila Stehlíková will inform you of the Anti-Discrimination Act. We also approved the Bill amending the Act on Insurance of Responsibility for Damage Caused by Motor Vehicle Operation. We withdrew the point that concerned surface waters and waste waters, because teams of experts had not reached the final version yet. We debated four proposals of deputies. Our standpoint was negative in three cases and regarding the fourth proposal it is conditioned by other matters. Nevertheless, the most important points that were debated today are those, which Miroslav Kalousek would inform you of. They did not concern the state budget, as media announced, but medium-term prospect and preparation of the state budget. It did not concern prepared state budget, of course. I must deny certain information on reserve funds, which we debated today and Miroslav Kalousek would inform you on them. We approved the Czech National Emission Reduction Programme together with number of tasks for ministers. We approved the State Subsidy Policy towards Nongovernmental and Non-profit Organizations. Džamila Stehlíková will speak about it. As to the issue, about which we will inform you together with Tomáš Julínek, it concerned the "round table" – a public discussion on the future funding of the Czech healthcare system. We approved Specification of financial means for provision of control and monitoring activities carried out by the Office for Personal Data Protection in connection with our integration into the Schengen Area. We approved a supplement – the Minister of Health may inform you about it - based on which it would be possible to cancel mutual confidentiality in connection with the dispute of the Czech Republic and Diag Human, joint-stock company. I think it is a very important agreement, which was concluded by both parties. We supported activities of the Research and Development Council. The Minister of Interior submitted the Analysis of the Administrative Burden of Entrepreneurs. We agreed on a compromise concerning termination of activities of the Land Fund. The fund will have to be transformed and the text of the resolution is in compliance with this fact. Džamila Stehlíková will inform you on the situation of national minorities in the Czech Republic, which is the material that was debated, as well. Apart from a material, which I regard as very important and which we approved late in the afternoon – it was the Programme of the Czech Republic Presidency of the Visegrad Group that we take over in June 2007 – we also approved the Proposal for removal of Chairwoman and appointment of the Chairwoman and Deputy Chairman of the Council for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men. That is all as an introduction and I ask Jana to moderate the press conference.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Prime Minister and now the Minister of the Government for Human Rights and National Minorities has the floor.

Džamila Stehlíková, Minister of the Government for Human Rights and National Minorities: Thank you for the floor. The government approved today the Bill on Equal Treatment and on Legal Means of Protection against Discrimination, so called Anti-discrimination Act. This law ensures equal opportunities, it ensures protection against discrimination and it also ensures equal access to education, entrepreneurship, social and health services, goods and services regardless race, gender, age, sexual orientation, health handicaps or religious conviction. This bill is a long-term obligation of the Czech Republic to the EU, because four administration proceedings from the side of the European Commission have been running recently. It also means fulfilment of our obligation towards citizens resulting from the Programme Declaration. The proposal that was approved is a compromise and it is a result of long negotiations. We think it is a good legal norm, non-bureaucratic and flexible one, which is very close to our citizens and it will enable them to defend themselves effectively against discrimination. Jurisdiction in the sphere of defence against discrimination takes over the Ombudsman who is not bound any regulations concerning his activities in this sphere; important thing is that no institution is established. An important aspect I should mention here is that the government thus meets its obligation towards the European Court of Justice, which was not met by the previous government. The second matter about which I would like to inform you is that the government approved framework programme of subsidy policy of the state towards nongovernmental organizations. It is a programme which is connected with the individual ministries and the respective spheres are specified there, to which subsidies will be allocated. The way how the individual programmes will be prepared is entirely within competences of the individual ministries. And I must say that we paid great attention to harmonization of those state programmes with operational programmes, through which we will use financial means from the European structural funds. The third matter, which was mentioned by the Prime Minister, was that the government approved the Report on Situation of National Minorities in the Czech Republic. This report summarized the development of national policy of the state in the last year. It reflected feedback of self-governments, because they are self-government, which establish committees for national minorities and they are good tools for communication with these communities and national minorities. An important and perhaps interesting thing is that the government agreed that the Ministry of Education will be doing research, which will be aimed at making survey of ethno-dialect of the Czech language with Roman specifics or Roman dialects, so that we would have better information on needs of Roman communities and on specific features of this community. Thank you.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Minister Džamila Stehlíková and now the Minister of Finance, Mr. Miroslav Kalousek has the floor.

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, let me give you brief information on three points, which I regard as key ones and which were debated by the government today. The first one was the Preparation of the State Budget for 2008; I will repeat the title of the point again – Preparation of the State Budget of the Czech Republic for 2008 and Medium-Term Prospect for 2009-2010, which is quite a complicated process. It was started by the government today as the government approved expenditure and revenue limits of the individual public budgets and limits for the individual headings. Based on today's decision, administrators of the individual budget headings , I mean the individual ministers, will specify binding indicators of their headings by the end of July, so that we could negotiate and prepare during the month of August the definite proposal of the state budget, which must be submitted to the Chamber of Deputies by the end of September. Those limits, which were specified for administrators of the individual budget headings, may be changed a bit; during the two-month work certain internal structures may be changed, because some tables approved by the government today also may be changed and approved in August 2007. The important thing is the reform effort, the important things are those limits, which must not be exceeded. Therefore, allow me some figures. The prospect expects that the existing deficit is 122 billion crowns and the real deficit for 2008 will be 78,4 billion crowns. I repeat again those two basic figures – 122 billion crowns – the real deficit in this year, 78 billion crowns in the next year. And I add always real, as you know that 91,3 is approved figure. Nevertheless, extraordinary revenues resulting from property sale are expected, but they are not calculated within those 78 billion crowns. Therefore such a deficit decrease takes place in the first reform year. Everybody must cut his expenditures of course. I highly appreciated the attitudes of the individual ministers. I think that the important message is also the principal budgetary priority of the government, because the budgetary priorities are also political priorities. In spite of the fact that all spheres cut their expenditures, the only one expenditure, which grows both absolutely and relatively, is expenditure for science and research. Expenditures for science and development will grow within the entire medium-term prospect by 8% annually and they also grow relatively in relation to the GDP. I think it is a clear message on priorities and objectives of the government. The second principal material concerned the solution of under-funded budget of the Fund of Transport Infrastructure for this year, for 2007. The government had to solve two basic problems. The first problem was under-funding of the Fund of Transport Infrastructure owing to high share of actions that are in the process of construction and owing to necessity to co-finance projects, which would be predominantly financed by the EU. That was the first problem. The second problem concerned the "skeleton in a cupboard", title of which was - reserve funds. These funds have grown significantly during times of previous governments and they were blocked, so that observance of the convergence programme could be demonstrated. Through blockage of these reserve funds the accounting demonstration of the convergence programme observance was done. But those expenditures really existed there, in fact. One solution was possible – to use these blocked means in favour of the only one central priority, which is the funding of the transport infrastructure. The government decided today that as early as this year the Fund of Transport Infrastructure will be given 10 billion crowns. These 10 billion crowns will be provided by the individual ministries, in particular from their reserve funds. I must say that I very appreciated it and that it was for me, as the Minister of Finance, nearly touching to be confronted with the fact that the government gave willingly and unanimously those means in favour of the principal priority, which is the Fund of Transport Infrastructure.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: Willingly after a long debate.

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: Nevertheless it it was approved and I think that it is key fact that the government demonstrated that there is a principal priority here and that priorities of the individual ministries are subordinated to it. The result is evident – The Fund of Transport Infrastructure will be provided with 10 billion crowns. The last point was the bill amending the act on obligatory insurance of motor vehicles. It is a transposition of a European directive. The most significant changes concern the increase of the obligatory limit in case of material damage up to the same level of the limit of health and life damage, it means up to 35 million crowns from existing 18 million crowns. The second important change is increase of amount of the insurance claims from the guarantee fund in case of damage caused by unidentified motor vehicles, which is applied just to health and life damage, according the existing law. The amendment will broaden it to material damage, as well. Thank you.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Minister of Finance and before I give the floor to the Minister of Health Tomáš Julínek, who will inform you on a project, which was also approved by the government today, I ask the Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek for his introductory speech.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: As I have already indicated in my first speech, we adopted a resolution today through which we fulfil our Programme Declaration. We undertook in the Programme Declaration, and I will quote" "to initiate, on the pattern of the pension reform, public discussion on transformation of the Czech healthcare system and establishment of an expert commission managed by an independent coordinator (analogy to Bezděk´s Commission)". So much for the introduction.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: The Minister of Health, Mr. Tomáš Julínek has the floor.

Tomáš Julínek, Minister of Health: Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we submit promised proposal for discussion on the healthcare system. I would like to remind you what the situation is like; we divided the reform steps in the Czech Republic into two reforms, which are closely connected. On the one hand it is a task for my ministry, it concerns that institutional reform. I put emphasise on it because it is constantly being confused what topic will be discussed at the "round table"; it concerns the institutional background and above all patients and their situation. We must avert a future financial crisis caused by aging population and modernization of the medical science. The crisis may occur sooner than that of the pension system, as after 15 years the strong age-group will be retired and they will need health care. Also chronic diseases are on the rise and we must cope with them. We cannot wait how it will turn out and therefore we must start political discussion. I do not want to allow that what has been happening here during last eight years; there were a lot of changes of ministers and also various measures were taken without a concept. The result was the debt forgiveness of the system. It is necessary to start doing something without delay and therefore we prepared design of the discussion. It is a prevention of a crisis, in fact. I hope that the attitude of the opposition, which declares its readiness to debate constructively, will be responsible in spite of the fact that it does not show such attitudes in the course of sessions in the Chamber of Deputies. The discussion will concern very serious issues. We can have a look at the second slide where you can see that in case of preservation of the old system of funding, we would, from the 100% of volume of the health care at the beginning of the curve, reach a state when we would not be able to provide finances and I would like to emphasize that modernization of medical technologies and price increase are not taken into consideration. It means that it is a portentous graph, but nobody is threatening by it; that is why I regard it as very important. Let me give the floor to a man who will take over responsibility for the discussion. We chose a coordinator who is to hold professional discussion and to coordinate the individual working groups and who will explain the form of the discussion. So, let me introduce Mr. Ondřej Mátl to you; he is an experienced man as far as project management is concerned, he has been engaged in modernization of public services for a long time and he is reputable person in the sphere of social and medical services. His advantage is that he is not involved directly in health care and therefore he will be able to view the problem from above and to coordinate the individual discussions. I want to emphasize that health care is not an isolated problem in our system and that it is closely connected with other spheres. All that what takes place in the sphere of social affairs will be projected into the health care and vice versa. We must break those ministerial boundaries in order to be able to solve the problem. So, I introduce Mr. Mátl once more and I ask him to take the floor.

Ondřej Mátl, independent coordinator for health reform: Ladies and gentlemen, I will just briefly present the project, its sense and purpose and the way of the discussion on the future of funding of the health care in the Czech Republic. Minister spoke here about one threat; I would show the second graph, which provides reason for implementation of the project. Population is really rapidly aging. I would not say it is a threat, I would say it is a great advantage for everybody and we must realize that share of people elder than 85 years of age, who badly need certain long-term care, will double during the following ten years. These are reasons, apart from increase of demand for health care, technological progress, European integration, which lead us to deal with the health care problems and with the future of funding of the health care in the society context, and to hold a discussion on those issues. The project is to help us to define long-term problems of our healthcare system and it should create proposals for solution. What I regard as the most important is that it is a project, which is not a close one for certain political parties; it is a challenge to all the parliamentary parties, which should through this project reach an agreement or try to reach an agreement at least concerning solution of actual problems. In spite of the fact that I said that it was a project, in which all the parliamentary parties should be involved, they should be above all experts who should participate in the project; two experts delegated by political parties, who should, together with analysts, try to find problem spheres. Apart from experts, who on the basis of every-day routine should cooperate with us, political parties cannot refuse responsibility for solution of health care problems either. It is expected that a decision-making team will be formed, which will consist of two representatives of each parliamentary party. The representatives will give their opinions regarding outputs of the project. I said it would be necessary to evoke discussion about the future of funding in society, I meant that it would be necessary to involve also professional and general public, as the issue of the health care concerns everybody. If I ask you individually whether you have something to say to it, I am convinced that each of you has something to say concerning this issue. Here are four practical outputs, which should be included in the project. I can say that as early as at present a survey of concept materials that had been elaborated during last ten years is worked out; it is a project, which is not built on a green field, it is a project, which tries to gather existing pieces of knowledge and to build on them. Further information will follow. And as a conclusion, the most important thing from my point of view – we will prepare web-sites on this project. I would ask you for patience because the project is just starting. The government decided on it today and we would like to start a real discussion with those who have something to say concerning the health care on our web-sites by the end of the week.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the independent coordinator, Mr. Ondřej Mátl. Ladies and gentlemen, now there is time for your question. The TV Nova, please.

Kamil Houska, TV Nova: If you allow, I would revert to the preparation of the state budget. I would like to ask you, Prime Minister, I understand that you are bound by certain time limits, nevertheless, do not you find it as strange that this year the state budget is being approved, it should be a reform budget, that it is being approved in a moment when it is not sure, whether the reform will be approved or not? For example the opposition criticises it saying you look laughably. What is your standpoint, do you believe in approving the reform, so as the budget would not be destroyed?

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: I am always warned to be polite to journalists; therefore I will not say that you look laughably, because both of us repeated that it did not concern approval of the state budget. It means that we do not approve the state budget now, we will approve it in August at the earliest and I hope it will be in the time when the reform package is approved. So it will not be before, but after that. The fact that you say that it is not a good practice to approve the state budget together with laws applicable from 1. January 2008, it is true, but the previous government did the same thing twice, at a minimum. I am not responsible for the turbulent atmosphere and for the fact that it is just this government, which must introduce the reform budget. Nevertheless, we did not have another chance and it is a practice, which has been used in the Czech basin for a long time.

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: If I may to add something, all of us assure you that it is not the state budget, but you reverse it and say it is the state budget. Therefore I will repeat it again. It was not an approval of the state budget. The state budget is a law, which the government must submit to the Chamber of Deputies by the end of September, as it is stipulated by the law. So as it could do that, certain process must be kept, which assigns the Minister of Finance with a task, according to law again, to submit to the government a material by the end of May. It means proposal for the medium-term prospect and basis parameters, which was done by the Minister of Finance, because the law requires that regardless questions concerning his laughably look. My duty was to submit it according the law, and I submitted it. The government is obliged to debate it and the individual ministries are obliged based on these limits, to submit specified indicators of their budgetary headings by 31st July. Based on this there is a discussion will be held at the end of which there will be preparation of the draft of the state budget, which will approved by the government at the turn of August and September and then it will submitted to the Chamber of Deputies. It could not do so, unless it debated this material. The material can hardly be prepared in the end of September between Tuesday and Wednesday, Mr. Houska.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question, please.

Jana Čermáková, ČT: I would have two questions to you, Prime Minister. First, does the coalition want to block the programme of the Friday's extraordinary session, which is summoned by the opposition because of Jiří Čunek? And the second one, Právo daily informed that former minister Pavel Němec was your advisor and it was allegedly him who had influenced Renata Vesecká, so that she exchanged the prosecuting attorneys. So, is Pavel Němec your advisor, could he influence anything? Thank you.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: I have not seen Pavel Němec for a long time; he ranks among my best friends from Ostrava. I was at grammar school with him in 1980´, if you mean that Pavel Němec whom I know, as it is him about whom I am willing to talk. He could be my advisor, I think, but you evidently mean different Pavel Němec; you have not specified it. So, which Pavel Němec do you have in mind - my friend from Ostrava, whom I have not seen for several years or a different Pavel Němec?

Jana Čermáková, ČT: Evidently the other one, former Minister of Justice.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: He is not my advisor and you must know it; that is why I find it interesting. I do not have any advisors, after all. This is the first thing. I have some consultants who work one third time or one tenth time, but Pavel Němec is not really among them. That was the answer to your second question concerning connections. I want to strictly refuse efforts of opposition parties to expediently politicize the decision of the Criminal Department of the NSZ (Attorney's General Office) of 4th June concerning the Čunek and Hurt case. It was a decision concerning proceeding, which was executed through the Resolution of the prosecuting attorney of the NSZ and it was undoubtedly within his competences. I regard as unacceptable to infringe these exclusive rights by any political representation or any politician. Neither me nor the Minister of Justice have right to infringe this process; in spite of this fact I must to defend independence, competence and professional character of the NSZ. We need not like the decision of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office or that of a court, but all of us are obliged to respect them and I expect politicians not to doubt them. This is the attack against the core or the legal core of the state. I must sharply protest against statements of Jiří Paroubek and those of the former Attorney General Benešová, who called for removal of the Attorney General, Mrs. Vesecká just because of using this exclusive power of an Attorney General in the course of criminal proceedings; I regard it as a scandal intimidation of prosecuting attorneys, which ought not to be repeated. In this sense, I do not know whether anybody will block the Friday's session, I regard it as nonsensical. I think it is a decision of political group of deputies and I have no information regarding it as the Prime Minister. I will attend the session, but I regard as useful to speak at the session about intimidation of independent bodies of the state, for example the Prosecuting Attorney's Office. I will act in this sense there.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Prime Minister. Further question.

Aleš Sosnovský, ČTK: Good afternoon. I would like to ask the Minister of Finance regarding those reserve funds of ministries. Are those 10 billion crowns the only one amount or were there those 13,9 billion crowns, about which we had been informed?

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: I spoke about the principal priority; it is the Fund of Transport Infrastructure. In fact it was really 50% decrease of all reserve funds of ministries, with the exception of European financial means and financial means, which concern social allowances. So the amount of 50% of reserve funds is really those 13,9 billion crowns, which was allocated in such a way that 10 billion crowns is for the Fund of Transport Infrastructure, 2 billion crowns for the Ministry of Defence, 0,7 billion crowns for the Ministry of Education and 0,8 billion crowns for the Ministry of Health. But the main motive of the operation is strengthening of the under-funded Fund of Transport Infrastructure. I am very happy that today's meeting of the government, at which pre-dominantly budgetary priorities were debated as budgetary priorities are also political priorities, not only indicated, but through its resolution evidently showed that the principal development priorities are science and research, and the transport infrastructure.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question.

Jan Korselt, Reuters: Good afternoon. I have two questions. The first one is of a technical character. Could you say, regarding those expenditure limits for the budget for the next year and for the medium-term prospect, whether those figures changed or whether you approved them as they had been submitted?

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: The material was approved as it had been submitted; number of you has it, those who do not have it they will be able to find it on the Internet.

Jan Korselt, Reuters: Thank you. One more question regarding those 10 billion crowns for the Fund of Transport Infrastructure. Are those 10 billion crowns beyond the framework of the expected sale of the ČEZ?

Miroslav Kalousek, Minister of Finance: Yes, they are. They are beyond the approved framework of the state budget. The Fund of Transport Infrastructure has its own budget, which is approved in the Chamber of Deputies as a separate point, not as a part of the state budget. It had its revenue and expenditure side and beyond the framework of this budget, in the framework of revenues, those 31 billion crowns are expected as a sale of any property; sale of property – there is not written in the Act on the State Budget that it will be from the sale of the ČEZ. There will be extraordinary revenues from the sale of property at the amount of 31 billion crowns and beyond that framework the budget will be, based on today's resolution of the government strengthened by 10 billion crowns. The other budgetary headings gave their financial means for this principal budgetary priority.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: It is necessary to say that it was necessary measure; otherwise we would have to implement the measure differently, because it would not be possible to finance concluded contracts of the Fund of Transport Infrastructure for the future period, it means for this year and further years. Moreover, it would not be possible to pre-finance the contract from structural funds, especially for infrastructure and transport. Therefore we had to rectify these evident errors made in the budget by the previous government.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question, please.

Adéla Daňhová, Zdravotnické noviny: I would like to ask a question about the round table, about the decision-making team of politicians. How many representatives of parliamentary parties will be in the team? Did they promise their participation? And do you believe in their constructive attitude?

Tomáš Julínek, Minister of Health: Yes. As early as i the first round I sent out letters to chairmen of political parties and I received their proposals, I means proposals of all the parliamentary parties. Thus, the will to discuss about health care was expressed. I suppose that the will of politicians will last and that their attitudes to this issue will be responsible. I want to emphasize again that funding of health care is broader problem than funding by the health insurance companies and it is sometimes interchanged. The issue that we are solving in this election period concerns principal change of the entire funding of the healthcare system starting from premium on the revenue side to funding of certain areas of the healthcare system as for example health-social care, introduction of saving elements and such like. All that the commission should examine; it is larger project, which exceeds common election period and therefore it requires broader political consensus, so that it could be implemented according to a time schedule.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: I would like to say that I hope that the opposition will be at least as responsible as the opposition in the last election period, when we accepted the proposal of Vladimír Špidla and established the Bezděk´s Commission for the pension reform. It is necessary to say that results of the commission will finally be projected to the first stage of the parametric part of the pension reform, which is to be submitted to the Parliament in autumn of this year. It means that results of the commission were not useless, on the contrary, it was possible to discuss there issues, which could be hardly discussed elsewhere. I hope that the opposition will be as responsible as we were in the previous election period.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question, please.

Josef Kopecký, MfDnes: Good afternoon. I have also a question regarding the round table on the health care system, which is being prepared. In spite of the fact that it is a long-term issue, do you expect political parties tobe able to reach an agreement on certain changes, which would be introduced in the form of laws? And a question to Minister Džamila Stehlíková – will the Anti-discrimination Act have any effects apart from the fact that we meet an obligation to the EU, I mean certain concrete change, which would improve conditions for protection against discrimination? And the last question concerns the former Minister of Justice Pavel Němec. Can you say whether you have information on the existence of any agreement between the Office of the Government and Pavel Němec? I do not mean advisory activities; it may be a single-purpose agreement, as Mr. Němec does not exclude existence of such an agreement. Thank you.

Tomáš Julínek, Minister of Health: I will answer the first question. We expect that the discussion and some conclusions might be reached within some 14 months. I remind you what Mr. Mátl said that it is to be accompanied by two conferences, which will be focused on the professional discussion. It means that the important part of it is to inform the nation of the state of the healthcare system and of threats. I cannot anticipate to what extent we will be able in this election period to apply that in the form of laws. It is rather a question for the following election period and we would be like any government to project possible consensus to some laws, as according to opinions of some experts it is high time to discuss the system of funding of the healthcare system from the point of view of the threat I had mentioned here, I mean the aging population. There is no time to hesitation. But we must in the first stage, in this election period, prepare reform laws, as you can see in the legislative plan of the government, so that the system would allow to accept further laws on the change of funding.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: I thank the Minister of Health. Now, Mrs.Džamila Stehlíková has the floor.

Džamila Stehlíková, Minister of the Government for Human Rights and National Minorities: Thank you for the floor. It does not concern just meeting obligations; it does not concern just transposition of European directives. It concerns real strengthening of citizens´ protection against discrimination, because it introduces concrete legal means of protection against discrimination. The existing legal order did not require relinquishing of discrimination, but on the contrary. The legal means were not ensured in many cases. Now it is changed; it is an umbrella law, which will enable every citizen of this republic not only to contact a court, but also to contact the Ombudsman in case of discrimination and the protection against discrimination is guaranteed to him/her. The ombudsman can give an advise and to take other steps. Various kinds of situation could be solved, which are objects of criticism. For example certain groups of citizens, in particular women, elder people are discriminated on the labour market and it is very complicated for them to solve the situation. A new legal system will be introduced here, which will change the atmosphere of the society; some citizens did not know that they were objects of discrimination before adoption of this law. Employers or other persons who commit discrimination should realize that they commit discrimination. We do not want to increase the number of lawsuits concerning discrimination; I am convinced that a lot of people relinquish discrimination voluntary after hearing of some similar cases and that it will be further step on our way forward. I think that this law, which was adopted, is a breakthrough law. There was nothing similar in this sphere, which would unify all the legal procedures. We even did not have a definition of discrimination, we took over the definition from the European law and it was unacceptable for such a developed state as the Czech Republic is, from the legal point of view. So we have now the definition of direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, the definition of victimizing, harassment and sexual harassment. These are issues that have been debating in Europe for ten or twenty years and the law ensure that we will not grope in case of similar phenomena; there is clear, comprehensive flexible and non-bureaucratic legal norm here to avert discrimination.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, now the question to the Prime Minister.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: Mr. Kopecký, I am used to the fact that media together with Jiří Paroubek try to create such a virtual world, a virtual reality in which I must live. But I assure you that I do not want to live in this virtual world and I will not live in it. This was the first part of my answer. And the second one – if you are really interested in finding an agreement, ask the Head of the Office of the Government, not me. I do not know anything about it.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you, further question, please.

Jana Čermáková, ČT: If I may to ask something the Minister of health Tomáš Julínek, I would like to know whether you could say some details concerning the agreement with Diag, for example when it will be possible to disclose it or what the further procedure will be like. Thank you.

Tomáš Julínek, Minister of Health: It is necessary to say that the case is taken over to the Office of the Government Representation in Property Affairs; it is not the Ministry of health, which deals with this case. It means that all documents are at this office. Cancellation of the confidentiality agreement opens possibility to gain these data. As it results from media and some books, people gained the information in a different way, after all. It is possible to act according to the Act no. 106, but it is necessary to realize that the dispute still continues. It means that the state cannot disadvantage itself in this position. It does not mean that it should conceal something; nevertheless certain matters are of a tactical character, because we are trying to avert possible further payments. This is the position of the state and it would be a shame if information disclosure caused a tactical mistake. Nevertheless, these data should be disclosed and they should be available. I am of the opinion that it would be best to refer you to the Act no. 106 on Information Disclosure.

Jana Bartošová, government spokesperson: Thank you. Further question, please. There are no further questions. Thank you and good-bye.

Mirek Topolánek, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic: As a conclusion, I would like to say the practice, which we introduced will be applied starting from this press conference – it was the last question and there will not be any information "on the way". Thank you.