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17. 11. 201721:50
EU leaders have agreed on the principles of EU social policy
Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka attended today, 17 November 2017, the Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth in Gothenburg, Sweden. At the extraordinary summit, the Czech Prime Minister spoke at the panel Access to the Labour Market where he presented the results of the successful employment policy of the Czech government. As part of the summit, the European Pillar of Social Rights was signed, summing up the principles of the future European social policy. In the margins of the summit, another round of the discussion on the EU future was held, this time on the themes of education and culture.
"Today's summit has clearly shown that the EU tackles areas that immediately affect the lives of its citizens. With the European partners, we discussed support for the employment of Europeans. It is an area where the Czech Republic with the lowest unemployment is the leader within the EU,“ the Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said after the meeting.
Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka presented to the European colleagues today the activities carried out by the Czech government throughout its term. First of all, it is making the labour market accessible to those who are difficult to employ. In this context, the labour force mobility is important. Therefore, the Czech government has launched a programme supporting regional mobility, through which employees may claim compensation of increased costs of commuting or moving because of work. The Czech Republic also pays attention to including non-active persons in the labour market, be it through reconciliation of personal and working life or life-long learning.
Apart from the discussion on the access to the labour market and increasing the employment of Europeans, the European Pillar of Social Rights was signed today. The European Pillar is a set of twenty principles that were officially politically endorsed today by all Member States. Those principles concern, apart from areas such as education, promotion of employment or equal opportunities, issues like wages including the minimum income, access to healthcare, pensions, ensuring long-term care, gender equality or addressing homelessness.
In the margins of the summit, the Czech Prime Minister met with Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council, and leaders of other Member States to hold another round of discussions on the EU future, this time on the themes of education and culture.
The Czech Republic has long emphasised the need to strengthen the unity of the EU, and so it perceives the themes of education and culture to be of utmost importance. The themes have the potential to unite the EU and the Union may provide a considerable added value in them, mainly concerning mobility. EU leaders have therefore agreed today that they will continue to cooperate in strengthening the popular programme Erasmus.
The discussion on the EU future in the format of the European Council will continue in December at the traditional meeting in Brussels.