
8. 1. 201313:50

The European Year of Citizens has been launched

The first event organized within the framework of the European Year of citizens 2013 (EYC) in the Czech Republic was a seminar which took place on January 8, 2013 in the European House in Prague. Representatives of the Office of the Government, who administers the European Year of Citizens 2013 in the Czech Republic, ministries and other institutions involved in the organization of the EYC in the Czech republic participated in this seminar.

Jan Durica from the Section for European Affairs of the Office of the Government devoted his presentation to clarification of the differences between the European and national citizenship.

Issues related to migration of workers were presented by Miroslav Fuchs, director of the Department for the European Union and International Cooperation, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

An important tool related to the application of rights of EU citizens is a problem-solving network SOLVIT which facilitates out-of-court settlement of problems related to the functioning of the internal market. Its functioning was introduced by Jan Havlík, director of the European Affairs and Internal Market Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Another contribution was given by Michaela Suchardová, a representative of “Your Europe Advice”, an EU advice service for the public, and by Vít Samek, director of the Legal and Socio-economic Department of the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions, who presented the attitude of labor unions towards the issues of European citizenship.